Pegasus Laboratories, Inc.
Innovation drives the veterinary pharmaceutical and medical industries. Organizations are committed to the next great discovery that will change our lives. Pegasus Laboratories shares that commitment.
Supplying the essentials • Searching for the breakthroughs
Pegasus Laboratories provides the innovative pharmaceutical and medical products veterinarians need, including many that other animal health companies overlook.

Our Brands
Through our PRN® and Sē·Qual™ brands, Pegasus provides some of the leading products in behavior, urinary incontinence, seizure management, and other areas of animal wellness.

Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO)
A full-service CDMO, Pegasus helps its partners develop their ideas from concept through commercialization.

A subsidiary of PBI-Gordon Companies, Inc., Pegasus Laboratories is 100% employee-owned.

Pegasus Laboratories is changing the lives of pets, pet owners, veterinarians, and our partners. Join us.
Pegasus Laboratories is committed to continually improving our manufacturing capabilities and services to provide our customers – our partners in business – with competitive strategies that support their ultimate goals from concept to commercialization.